healing always on

Animal Reiki FAQ

What is Animal Reiki?

Animal Reiki is a specialised frequency of Reiki crafted exclusively for animals. Much like humans, animals possess an innate affinity for Reiki, responding to its healing energy with remarkable sensitivity. Engaging in Reiki provides animals with relief from stress and offers support in managing physical ailments, ultimately leading to reduced pain and an enhanced sense of well-being.

With a deep comprehension of the distinctive needs and sensitivities of animals, our practitioners provide compassionate and professional Animal Reiki sessions. Through channeling this gentle and nurturing energy, we establish a harmonious space where animals can reap the therapeutic benefits of Reiki. We hold in high regard the bond between humans and animals, acknowledging the significance of their well-being, and offering our expertise to support their overall health and vitality.

Divine purpose of animals

Central to our role as Animal Reiki practitioners is a profound respect for the unique divine purpose of each individual animal. We approach our work without judgment or preconceived notions, respecting their distinctive journey. Our commitment is to refrain from imposing or projecting any purpose, feeling, thought, or belief onto them that is not their own. We deeply acknowledge and honor their free will, allowing them to guide the healing process, aligning with the essence of Reiki itself.

Harnessing the healing power of Reiki, we empower animals to fulfill their purpose from a state of optimal health and vitality. Within a safe and compassionate space, we facilitate their connection with innate wisdom, allowing them to experience the transformative energy that profoundly supports their overall well-being.

In our practice, we deeply embrace the understanding that animals have their own unique path to traverse, and we humbly accompany them on their journey. With utmost respect, compassion, and professionalism, we extend our services to facilitate their healing and wholeheartedly support them in living their purpose to the fullest.

What is an in-person session?

In our in-person sessions, the practitioner journeys to the caregiver’s specified location to administer healing for the animal. Whether through distance methods or touch—ensuring it is safe and acceptable to the animal—the healing is conducted with the utmost care. Our practitioners prioritise the well-being and comfort of the animal, adhering to safety protocols and respecting their boundaries throughout the session. Whether through distance or touch, our objective is to facilitate a healing experience that enhances the animal’s overall well-being.

What to expect in an in-person session?

The practitioner visits the caregiver’s address for the session, providing an explanation of “Reiki-in-motion” to ensure the caregiver comprehends the process. Some time is also dedicated to discussing the animal.

Animals have the freedom to choose whether they want to receive energy or when the session is complete. There’s no need to restrain the animal unless it’s for safety reasons.

It’s important to note that Animal Reiki sessions differ from Human Reiki sessions.

What is a virtual session?

Our virtual or distance sessions are facilitated through video calls, enabling the practitioner to connect with the animal’s caregiver and visually observe the animal during the session. In cases where a video call is impractical, such as with a deceased animal or other circumstances where video communication is unavailable, Reiki can be sent to a picture of the animal.

Regardless of the chosen method—whether through video or a picture—the intention remains constant: to provide healing energy to the animal and support their well-being. Our practitioners adapt to different situations, ensuring that the essence of Reiki reaches the animal, bringing comfort, balance, and healing.

Please note that virtual or distance sessions offer the flexibility to accommodate various scenarios, enabling us to extend the benefits of Reiki to animals in different circumstances.

What to expect in a virtual session?

Our virtual sessions take place through video calls, enabling the animal to remain in their preferred environment during the session. They enjoy the freedom to move around, though it’s preferable for them to stay within the video frame. We familiarize the caregiver with the concept of “Reiki-in-motion,” ensuring a thorough understanding of the process. Additionally, we allocate time to discuss the well-being and specific needs of the animal.

We deeply respect the autonomy of animals, granting them the choice to receive or decline the energy. There’s no need to restrain the animal unless safety concerns arise. It’s crucial to note that Animal Reiki sessions differ from Human Reiki sessions, as they are precisely tailored to the unique needs and sensitivities of our animal companions.

Rest assured, our dedicated Animal Reiki practitioners bring a compassionate and professional approach, creating a safe and nurturing space for both the animal and caregiver.

What is compassion fatigue?

“Sometimes when animals are high maintenance or have challenging medical conditions or behaviour problems, their caregivers can experience compassion fatigue which is an extreme state of tension and preoccupation with the effect to the degree that it can create secondary traumatic stress for the helper.”

-Dr. Charles Figley, Director of Tulane Traumatology Institute


“Compassion Fatigue is an occupational hazard of our work with animals. It is also known as ‘secondary-traumatic stress disorder’ (STSD) and has symptoms like PTSD.”

-Jessica Dolce, Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator

Can I have compassion fatigue as a caregiver?

When caring for an animal with a challenging medical condition or behavioral issues, caregivers often find themselves experiencing symptoms of compassion fatigue, impacting their well-being. Reiki sessions provide a gentle and supportive approach to restore balance and alleviate stress.

Through Reiki, caregivers discover solace and replenish their energy, enabling them to remain calmer and better attend to their animal’s needs. As the caregiver’s energy is harmonized, it creates a ripple effect that positively influences the animal’s healing journey and overall well-being.

It’s essential to recognize that the healing process extends beyond the animal alone; it also encompasses the caregiver. If you’re experiencing compassion fatigue, Reiki sessions can help balance your energy, relieving stress and allowing you to provide more effective care for your animal.

As the animal heals, it concurrently enhances the well-being of the caregiver.

Can animals have compassion fatigue?

Animals, too, can experience compassion fatigue. They possess a remarkable ability to sense pain and imbalance in their caregivers, often assuming the role of self-appointed healers. Willingly sharing the burdens of their human and animal companions, this compassionate role can become overwhelming over time.

Physical and behavioral symptoms may manifest in these animals as a result of carrying these burdens, particularly in working service animals such as guide dogs, therapy animals, farm animals, guard or herding dogs, and others devoted to caring for and assisting their human counterparts.

Regular Reiki treatments offered to these animals provide much-needed relief from their accumulated stress, aiding in the alleviation of compassion fatigue. By harmonising their energy, Reiki helps restore balance and vitality, enabling these compassionate beings to better cope with the challenges they face.

Can Reiki help an animal “cross the rainbow bridge”?

In the heart-wrenching process of bidding farewell to our beloved animal companions, Reiki extends solace and support. Serving as a compassionate aid during their “end-of-life process,” it offers relief from stress, promotes comfort, and reduces pain. Reiki not only provides crucial support to the animals but also extends comfort to the caregivers, assisting them in navigating the profound grief and pain accompanying loss.

What are the charges for a session?

Presently, only distance sessions are available over a video call, priced at £20 for 15 minutes, £25 for 20 minutes, and £30 for 30 minutes.

It’s important to note that during the session, a few minutes are dedicated to observing the animal or engaging in discussions with their caregiver.

How do I book an appointment?

Presently, only distance sessions are available on the website.

For in-person bookings, kindly reach out to our Animal Reiki practitioners with your preferred time, date, session details, along with your contact information and location. Our practitioners will promptly respond to your inquiry.

What if my animal refuses the energy?

As practitioners of Animal Reiki, we deeply respect the free will of animals. Sometimes, an animal may choose not to receive Reiki energy. In such cases, we honor their decision. We recommend starting with a 15-minute distance Reiki session to gauge the animal’s receptiveness.

Please be aware that refunds are not provided if an animal declines the Reiki energy. 

In such a case, we offer another distance session of same length (without a call) whenever the practitioner has next availability, to find out from the animal why he/she refused the energy; or the animal may change his/her mind this time and accept it instead. You will receive a follow up email later from the practitioner within a few days.

Reiki (ray-key) is a Japanese healing technique that promotes well-being by supporting the body’s natural healing abilities. It works harmoniously with various modalities, medicines, and procedures to enhance overall well-being. Reiki does not interfere with or replace conventional medical treatments; instead, it supports the body’s healing ability by facilitating relaxation, reducing stress, and restoring energetic balance.

The practitioner channels Reiki energy through their palms to the client. Reiki is a healing modality that encompasses spiritual intelligence. It acknowledges the connection between mind, body, and spirit, and works to restore harmony and balance on all levels.

Reiki is always safe and cannot cause harm.

Read more about Reiki