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In-Person Healing
Reiki energy channelled through healing touch
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Virtual Healing
Live virtual Reiki session on WhatsApp/Zoom
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Virtual Animal Healing
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In-Person Reiki Session

An in-person Reiki session is a healing modality where a trained Reiki practitioner provides hands-on energy healing to the recipient. The session takes place in a physical setting, at the practitioner’s practice location. During the session, the practitioner uses gentle touch or hovers their hands over specific areas of the recipient’s body, allowing the flow of Reiki energy to promote relaxation, stress reduction, pain relief and overall well-being. The in-person aspect of the session enables a direct and personal connection between the practitioner and recipient, enhancing the therapeutic experience.

Each in-person Reiki session at our center starts with a brief period dedicated to addressing any questions you might have, helping you ease into the experience. You’ll have the choice to either lie down on a cozy Reiki table or sit comfortably in a chair, depending on what feels best for you. Our skilled practitioner will then administer the session, placing their hands on or near your body to channel healing energy.

After the session, there’s a brief time allocated for you to share any insights or reflections. This post-session dialogue is a valuable part of your experience, offering a chance to deepen your understanding and enrich your healing journey.

To ensure a seamless start to your first session, we ask that you fill out a Client Form available on our website at My Healing before your appointment. Completing this form in advance is crucial for a smooth session. Please note, the session will commence only after we have received your completed and signed form.

Virtual Reiki Session

A virtual Reiki session offers a unique remote healing experience, where the practitioner channels Reiki energy to the recipient, regardless of the physical distance between them. Using various online communication platforms, such as video calls, the practitioner connects with the client and performs the healing session remotely. This method of healing underscores the principle that Reiki energy is not confined by time or space, making it possible to achieve relaxation, balance, and overall well-being remotely. The primary advantage of virtual Reiki sessions is client’s convenience – they can be experienced from any location, providing you with the flexibility and accessibility to receive healing in the comfort of your own space.

At the start of your session, the practitioner will provide a detailed explanation of the virtual Reiki session and address any questions or concerns you may have. Following this, you will settle into a comfortable position of your choice, whether lying down or sitting, and you are welcome to use a blanket or duvet to ensure your comfort throughout the session.

To further enhance your relaxation, you’re encouraged to create a calming ambiance in your space. Feel free to incorporate elements like soothing music, scented candles, incense, essential oils, or an eye mask to suit your preferences.

At the end of the session, your practitioner will notify you. You’ll have the opportunity to discuss your experience if you wish. However, if you prefer to stay silent and immerse yourself in the healing energy, that’s completely acceptable.

Please note, if you choose to remain in the session without indicating a desire to end the call, the practitioner will respectfully conclude the session at the prearranged end time. This approach ensures the session adheres to your schedule and remains within the allotted time.

We require you to fill out a Client Information Form on our website at  My Healing before your first appointment. This form is vital for a seamless and efficient session. We must receive this completed and signed form before your session can begin.

Animal Reiki Session

Animal Reiki is a specialised form of Reiki, rooted in principles that foster well-being and balance. This modality is specifically tailored to address the unique needs of animals, focusing on alleviating stress, anxiety, and pain associated with physical conditions.

Animals, much like humans, are receptive to the benefits of Reiki. Practitioners of Animal Reiki employ a gentle, respectful approach, either through light touch or a non-contact method, to direct healing energy towards animals. This technique caters to their physical, emotional, and energetic well-being. The non-invasive nature of Animal Reiki makes it an effective way to help animals relieve stress, clear energetic blockages, and enhance their innate healing processes.

Animal Reiki sessions are conducted with the utmost respect for the animal’s comfort and consent, making them suitable for various animals, including pets, farm animals, and wildlife.

In-person sessions involve the practitioner visiting the caregiver’s location to administer the healing. The practitioner respects the animal’s space and ensures a secure environment throughout the session. Occasionally, it may be necessary to limit the animal’s movement to safeguard both the animal and the practitioner. This precaution creates a safer environment and minimises potential risks, allowing the practitioner to focus on effective healing through either distance or gentle touch, always prioritising the animal’s well-being and comfort.

For virtual or distance sessions, the practitioner connects via video call with the caregiver, enabling observation of the animal throughout the session. In situations where a video call isn’t feasible, such as with a deceased animal or other special circumstances, healing energy can be directed towards a photograph of the animal. This alternative method ensures the effectiveness of Animal Reiki even without a live video link.

Before your first session, please fill out a Client Form available on our website at My Healing. This form is crucial for a smooth session, and we require its completion before starting.

Currently, our services are focused exclusively on virtual Animal Reiki sessions, which can be booked through our website. If you’re interested in in-person sessions, please contact our Animal Reiki practitioners directly with your phone number, preferred session date and time, and any specific requirements or preferences. Our practitioners will respond to your inquiry promptly:

15 Minute Boost

Condensed yet potent session when time is limited and you need an energy boost - ready to triumph every endeavour that awaits you

30 Minutes Uplift

30 Minutes of Reiki energy to release stagnation, restore balance, and uplift your spirit

45 Minutes Revitalise

Revitalise your

mind, body, spirit

& emerge with

a renewed sense of vitality, mental clarity & inner harmony

60 Minutes Fortify

Indulge in an immersive journey to cultivate inner resilience, amplify energy & embrace a life filled with balance harmony & unwavering fortitude

60 Minutes Reiki Meditation

Experience transformative power of our 15 min guided meditation

and 30 min Reiki fusion session harmonising your entire being

Reiki Focus Session

Focused 30-minute session for issues like muscle tension, injuries depression, migraines period cramps, pre & post natal, surgery and more...

Reiki (ray-key) is a Japanese healing technique that promotes well-being by supporting the body’s natural healing abilities. It works harmoniously with various modalities, medicines, and procedures to enhance overall well-being. Reiki does not interfere with or replace conventional medical treatments; instead, it supports the body’s healing ability by facilitating relaxation, reducing stress, and restoring energetic balance.

The practitioner channels Reiki energy through their palms to the client. Reiki is a healing modality that encompasses spiritual intelligence. It acknowledges the connection between mind, body, and spirit, and works to restore harmony and balance on all levels.

Reiki is always safe and cannot cause harm.

Read more about Reiki