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What Is Reiki

“Rei-Ki” (pronounced ray-key) is the spiritually guided life force energy which complements healing


“Rei” represents spiritual wisdom, while “Ki” symbolises life force energy.

In every living being, the very essence of life force energy is inherent. Reiki, an ancient Japanese art of energy healing, serves as a profound conduit to tap into and channelise this intrinsic energy. This time-honoured practice is dedicated to alleviating stress, inducing profound relaxation, and fostering the seamless circulation of the body’s life force energy.

By orchestrating the restoration of a positive energy flow, commonly known as Ki or referred to as the body’s bio-field, Chi, Prana, or Manna, Reiki becomes a powerful facilitator in supporting the body’s innate capacity for self-healing. Its holistic approach extends beyond the physical realm, encompassing the intricate web of energy that envelops the body—the aura.

In its entirety, Reiki embraces and tends to the individual, recognizing that true well-being extends beyond the corporeal form. This ancient technique not only addresses the tangible aspects of the physical body but also harmonizes the extended bio-field, acknowledging the interplay of energies that collectively shape the essence of vitality and balance.

The demands of modern life can disrupt our energy flow, leading to imbalances and physical symptoms like muscle tension, headaches, sleep issues, and anxiety. If unaddressed, these symptoms may escalate into more severe conditions. Recognizing this connection between energy and well-being is crucial for preventing and managing stress-related challenges.

Reiki serves as a gentle guide, unlocking energy blockages and harmonising, restoring, and ushering in a positive, healthful flow of Ki. This reestablishment of equilibrium and the nurturing current of energy paves the way for the body’s innate healing and revitalisation. Significantlt, it is worth noting that Reiki unwaveringly respects the  autonomy of free will, never violating its boundaries. 

For Reiki distance poses no obstacle, and the healing facilitation remains consistent. Whether experienced through a virtual session or in-person, the choice is entirely personal. Some find solace in the tactile experience of healing touch, while others opt for the comfort of home. Irrespective of the approach, Reiki operates with steadfast efficacy.

The impacts of Reiki accumulate over time, addressing blockages on various levels—mental/emotional, spiritual, and physical. Healing these issues may require multiple sessions. Reiki employs the practitioner as a conduit, channeling universal energy to the client and fostering the reestablishment of free-flowing and balanced energy pathways.

Reiki yields a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Stress and anxiety reduction
  • Promotion of calmness and relaxation
  • Aid in managing and potentially alleviating pain
  • Relief from headaches
  • Improvement in sleep patterns and reduction in insomnia
  • Reduction of muscle tension and tightness
  • Mood enhancement and fostering a sense of calm
  • Minimization of medication side effects
  • Acceleration of recovery from medical procedures
  • Improvement in focus and mental clarity
  • Assistance in feeling grounded and centered

In a Reiki session, your experience is as unique as your body awareness. You might sense tingling or experience a gentle, cool or warm energy flow. Some may have visions, while others find tranquility in sleep.

There’s no “wrong way” to receive Reiki; your encounter is exclusively yours. Even without distinct sensations, rest assured Reiki is diligently working for your highest good. Its healing energy is unwavering, consistently supporting your overall well-being.

Reiki (ray-key) is a Japanese healing technique that promotes well-being by supporting the body’s natural healing abilities. It works harmoniously with various modalities, medicines, and procedures to enhance overall well-being. Reiki does not interfere with or replace conventional medical treatments; instead, it supports the body’s healing ability by facilitating relaxation, reducing stress, and restoring energetic balance.

The practitioner channels Reiki energy through their palms to the client. Reiki is a healing modality that encompasses spiritual intelligence. It acknowledges the connection between mind, body, and spirit, and works to restore harmony and balance on all levels.

Reiki is always safe and cannot cause harm.

Read more about Reiki